Freelance Content Writer, Screenwriter, and Visual Artist

About Me
I love to explore different mediums, but my main love is watercolor. Most of my pieces use mixed-mediums, which I note on all works. I love color and am particularly drawn to unique faces, teeth, crooked smiles, and passionate expressions. I make art because I can't NOT make art and have been at it since I was a child.
For years I stopped drawing and painting because I had to be a "grown-up", which I assumed meant that I no longer needed to keep up with my interests and passions. (Kids do that to you.) But, as they've aged, and I've aged, so has my realization that my passion for art is just as important as any other facet of my life.
I am not perfect. I am mostly self-taught it! but am a lifelong learner. I think imperfection can be beautiful and it reveals a lot about the artist themselves.
I'm a strange woman, living in a strange home, with 2 strange children, 1 really strange partner, and a totally abnormal dog named Raspy.
And that is mostly me. I draw, paint, write, make art from trash with my kids, volunteer to teach an art class for my kids' school, and oh yeah, I was a hairstylist for 15 years. But that feels like a past life.